
What is alterhumanity?

In short, alterhumanity is a term used to describe a group of people who do not identify as (wholly) human. If you know about kinning, you're semi-familiar with the concept. I say semi-familiar because the concept as popularised on social media sites is a very simplified, incorrect version of what alterhumanity actually is, and most people within the alterhumanity community find it ignorant at best, and culturally innapropriate at worst.

Alterhumanity has many different forms, reasons behind identity, and varying degrees of importance in people's lives. Common sub-categories are:

  • Otherkin - someone who identifies as something not themselves
  • Demihuman - someone who has lost their connection to humanity, and picked up a connection to non-human identity.
  • Beforan - someone who identifies as having lived a past life before their current one
  • Forwardsoul - similar as previous, but that their kintype is a future life
  • Morphan - someone who believes they have morphed or moved from their kintype to their current form/life
  • Otherspin - someone who believes they have spiritually shifted to their kintype due to a long-term hyperfixation
  • Otherhearted - someone who feels very strong connections to their kintype without identifying as it.

The reasoning behind someone's alterhuman identity varies, with the most common being spiritual beliefs, psychological coping, and/or trauma. Many people believe it is a combination of these, but everyone has their own unique reasons, and it's generally not information you ask for unless someone offers to share.

More resources

If you want to understand more, I have a list of resources that go into the topic much deeper than this page.