about tangerinez

started in october 2023, after completing my degree and suddenly having a lot more time on my hands.

what's the site for?

nothing in particular, really!
when i started this site, i just started it because it looked like a really fun project to get into during uni break, and also because my partner, willow, started their own as well! to me, this site is a way to learn more about html, css, and the old internet, somewhere to dump my thoughts and creative energy, sort my interests, meet other people, etc! i don't have any expectations for the site, i don't have any plans. i'm just updating it as i go, changing whatever i don't vibe with anymore and adding whatever the hell i want.

tangerinez? what's that ?

i dunno! i chose it because willow and i are both very much into dayshift at freddy's, and IRL kin of dave miller/william afton (the "eggplant/aubergine") and jack kennedy (the tangerine to his aubergine!). they're the aubergine, so i'm the tangerine! and i thought it was really cute and i like the fruit aesthetic. tangerinez is the name i'm using to associate with my internet persona - which is something i'm working to make free of the shackles of cringe, because cringe is stupid.

Back to Main (big kids only!)

Age Regression !

page is unfinished, and i'll finish it up later!

hello! welcome to the agere side of my site! you'll find info and resources here related to age regression, and a little psychology too.

if you wanna find resources, follow the links below. for information, scroll past the links!

my fav agere things
jackie's blog

what is age regression?

age regression (commonly shortened to agere) is when a person mentally regresses to an age younger than they are. this can be any age from few years younger extending back to infancy. for some people, they may regress to a mental age from before they experienced a traumatic event. it can be voluntary (pure) or involuntary (impure). a person who regresses may have a caregiver, or they may not. someone could also partake in childish activities without regressing, and this is called "age dreaming".

IMPORTANT: age regression is non-sexual. many age regressors are survivors of CSA. do not bring this up as it can cause more harm and distress. if you're looking for or thinking of the sexual version, you would be thinking of ageplay.

hang on, jack. you're a psychologist. why do you recommend this?

i don't recommend it. i don't condemn it either.
i see age regression the same way as i see other at-home, non-clinical therapies and coping mechanisms:

  • if it benefits people, why should i worry?
  • like any coping mechanism, it can become unhealthy if it reaches a disruptive or detrimental point, or hinders healing.
  • it's not going to fix, eliminate, or help trauma or mental illness. a clinical therapy is preferred for that purpose.
  • however, it may provide a way for people to cope with general stress, or other stress created by illness in tandem with clinically reliable treatment.
additionally, i feel that society today condemns child-likeness far too much. the healthiest, most wonderful people i've ever known have not been afraid to still own their stuffed toys, or watch childish media, or play pretend and be light-hearted and silly. you don't have to age regress or age dream to do this, but western culture (and, let's be honest, a capitalist society) has made acting youthful seem like a personal flaw or mental illness. it's okay to be fun sometimes. it's okay to lighten up. in fact, its GREAT for you! as long as you're not harming anyone, go ham!

so, what is age regression to me?

to me, age regression is a coping mechanism i can use in times when i'm feeling stressed, just as i have other coping mechanisms as well. it's basically another tool in my kit. i tend to involuntarily regress to a young teen, say, twelve to fourteen, under certain stressors related to my learning disabilies, as well as my strained relationship with my father. i also occasionally regress to younger (around six), although i have to put more "effort" into it, and can easily be pulled out of it. certain interactions with older men can trigger this mental age as well.
for me, because i have an understanding of psychology, great friends and partners who look out for me, and my regression doesn't impair my ability to function in society, i consider it to be a generally positive thing. it makes me feel safe and secure.